Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hedge Fund Management Made Simple with Back Office Outsourcing Services

Accessing competent workforce and reducing price of services have for long remained the major goals of outsourcing. But, mostly companies that do outsource, do it for getting rid of their most boring and repetitive tasks. Especially when it comes to back office outsourcing services, the aim is to offload simple yet stultifying work like data entry and database management. However, with the evolution of companies providing back office services, it has become possible to outsource back office services that are complex and business-critical.
back office outsourcing

Hedge Fund Back Office Outsourcing for Minimizing Risks

Complex tasks like hedge fund management have long remained the Achilles heel of organizations. The intricate nature of these tasks along with the risk they pose if they are not done appropriately, make them hard to outsource. However, nowadays, there are many trustworthy hedge fund back office outsourcing services providers that can help you with:
1.      Staying compliant – As hedge fund managers face huge pressure to stay compliant, a worthy association with an outsourcing vendor that has considerable skills in the field can be a great help.
2.      Double verificationHedge fund back office outsourcing allows for a hybrid model where fund administrators can associate with independent third-party service providers. This allows for double verification of critical back office work and prevents the violation of regulations.
3.      Difficult tasks are executed better – Fund administration and shareholder services put extreme pressure on an in-house department. But when you outsource, you can get this work done by outsourcing experts in the industry.

Outsource Back Office Services for Essential Hedge Fund Tasks

Hedge fund management encompasses a variety of tasks that need to be performed in isolation for the collective and rightful completion of work. Some of these tasks need to be done under the direct supervision of company employees like portfolio management, asset gathering and trading while other can be outsourced without hampering the overall quality of work.
1.      Administration of funds – It involves the pricing and evaluation of assets. As hedge fund requires transparent evaluation in order to show to the investors that they are offered the right value, there is a need for powerful software solutions and fund administration expertise. At Vcare, you get access to a seasoned workforce comprising managers and agents who do their very best to fulfill the need of the clients. Intricate accounting and tough tax compliance procedures are performed very well, ensuring successful completion of tasks.
2.      Shareholding services – Shareholding services can put great pressure an already overworked in-house team. Reporting and documentations are integral functions of shareholding services, which can be performed very well by an accomplished back office outsourcing services vendor. Below are some other critical functions that can be performed better when you outsource back office:
a.       Addressing frequent requests of customers
b.      Registrar and transfer agency services
c.       Reporting and documentation
d.      Review of fund’s compliance with important regulations like anti-money laundering law
Back office outsourcing services play a pivotal role in the performance of a business operation by cutting cost and providing access to new skills. In the past, companies used to outsource only basic functions like data entry and database management, fearing that complex and critical tasks may not be performed as expected. But with the improvement of back office outsourcing vendors, it has become possible to handover these tasks judiciously in such a way that core tasks still remain in your hand while complex yet repetitive tasks are offloaded. Vcare is a back office outsourcing services provider with multiple years of experience in the field. It can help you perform intricate tasks (like fund administration and shareholding services) that form an integral part of hedge fund management.
Also Read This: https://vcareoutsourcecallcenter.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/05/28/000552